聯絡資訊 2
http://www.champ.url.tw/contact.html 千賓香精原料有限公司 http://www.champ.url.tw/images/corpimg.png 231 新北市新店區中正路四維巷8弄9號2樓 $ 02-2218-2346 千賓香精原料有限公司創建於1954年,秉持悠久的經驗、專精的技術,不斷潛心研究時代新品味,為您創造高附加價值的新產品。千賓的品質控管,始終堅持品質第一的原則,貫徹 ISO 9001 品質保證系統、ISO 22000 食品安全衛生管理系統驗證及 HACCP 危害分析重要管制點的要求,推行全員品質管理。在香料原料成份的使用上,參照歐洲等國家的FEMA和CAS等公佈的編號之規範來使用。 千賓致力於食品香料業(例如:飲料、果汁、乳品、烘焙食品、糖果、各種酒類、肉類和水產加工用等)發展多年,並代客調製各種香料,與客戶共同成長,滿足客戶的需求,這些經驗使千賓發展的技術範圍更擴展至醫藥及化妝品香料等的使用。   千賓的研發中心配備了最先進的分析檢測儀器,並建立完整的原料分析資料庫,為新產品研發、產品品質穩定及滿足客戶需求提供了足夠的資源保障。   欲知詳情,請與我們聯繫,讓我們共同創造高附加價值的新產品。 Champion was founded in 1954 and since then Champion has been developing the art of creating flavors and their objective is to lead the industry in quality and technology with value added products. Champion is a leading flavor company in Taiwan and is specialized in manufacturing aromatic compositions by extraction, biotechnology and blending for meeting the requirements of the modern food industries. Champion quality control persist on the principle of Quality the No.1, enforce the request of ISO9001 quality assurance system、ISO 22000 Food Safety Management Systems、HACCP Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points, and carry out quality management in all members. Champion’s products are in accordance with the European Directive, FEMA and CAS number list and Champion prepares natural, natural identified and artificial flavors in liquid and spray dried form. Champion has been keeping a close contacting with the customers and by mean of co-developing with the customers, Champion has been developing the flavors in food industries such as beverage, juice, dairy, bakery, confectionery, meat and sea-food. Besides flavors, Champion is handling spices and seasonings for years. This experience leads Champion to develop the flavor for, food, pharmaceutical, & fragrance for, cosmetic, such use as well. Champion facilitates well equipped laboratory and is ready to work with customers in together and is confident to satisfy the customers. Needless to say, Champion keeps the confidence strictly. For further information, please do not hesitate to contact with us and let’s develop the new attractive products in together and solve the problem!

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公司地址:231 新北市新店區中正路四維巷8弄9號2樓
231 新北市新店區中正路四維巷8弄9號2樓
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